Keep God's Word

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 4:21 KJV

Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.

Today’s lesson will discuss the phrase “Keeping God’s Word in the midst of thine heart”. We all know and understand the word “keep” but for reference sake we will share a few synonyms like: hold on to, possess, make personal, own and adhere to. Basically all the children of God are given this same instruction because in the Old Testament the man of God encouraged the servants of God to “keep God’s Word” so how much more should the children of God “holdfast to God’s Word”. We also notice that the Word of God specifies a particular place to “keep God’s Word”. The scripture didn’t say “keep God’s Word” on the nightstand next to your bed, nor does the scripture say “keep God’s Word” with you when you go to church. Maybe we should “keep God’s Word” in our journal because that is a personal item of our everyday life. No, the scripture clearly states’ “keep God’s Word in the midst of your heart.” Why did King Solomon mention the very place to “keep God’s Word”? We (ihlcc) believe the wise King Solomon was inspired of God to say, “in the midst of your heart” because the midst of your heart is the very core of your being. If ever someone wants to really know you they must be acquainted with the real you which is found “in the midst of your heart”. Some describe this place as the secret place because people who are only vaguely familiar with you will never know the inner you. We can remember the Old Covenant concerning the Temple of God in which the Lord Himself (His Presence) was inside the Holy of Holies that only the High Priest entered in. This inner chamber was known as the secret place inside the Holy Temple of God. So, although the other people of God believed in God they didn’t experience His fellowship in the “midst” of His Holy Temple. Likewise, for you with each and every child of God the Holy Temple of God now has the veil ripped open such that our Loving Father wants to experience personal contact with all His Dear Children. The “midst of your heart” is the perfect place for fellowshipping with God, the Creator of The Universe. Keeping God’s Word is of the utmost importance because “keeping God’s Word” is putting God’s Will on the throne of your life. Yes, “the midst of your heart” is your position of truth and honesty and openness with God. When we “keep God’s Word in the midst of our heart” we are keeping God’s Counsel as a burning light within establishing our thoughts. This is crucial because if we don’t know what to do we can rest assured that God’s Word has an answer specifically for us. Therefore, the unknown can easily become the known when we listen to our heart by letting The Light of God Wisdom shine forth. Yes, “the midst of the heart” of man is hidden and deep so only those you invite into your inner court can find who you really are and what you really think. The All Wise Lord God designed us this way because our flesh is our natural skin of protection from the elements of this earth and our mind was created to guard our heart mentally and spiritually by only believing/accepting what we see in God’s Word as truth. Remember 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 KJV which states, “(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” The All Wise God created the “midst of your heart” to be the tree of life in the midst of your garden because God’s Words are spirit and they are life. Yes, all born-again children of God now have “God in the midst of their heart” but they can only harness His Awesome power if they listen to Him. Someone may ask, “What does God look like?” We would answer He looks like His Word, yes, He look exactly like Jesus. Another may wonder, “What does God sound like?” We answer again He sounds exactly like the Word of God, for He sounds just like Jesus. The unlearned may question, “What is God saying?” Again, God is saying exactly what He already said, He is still echoing the Words of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. The point we are making is that you will never know God, nor understand God unless you keep God’s Word in the midst of your heart. Jesus loves me this I know, (Why?) because the Holy Bible tells me so! Yes, Jesus died for our own personal sins. How do we know this to be fact because the Holy Bible teaches this truth. In essence everything we believe deeply about God is contained “in the midst of our heart where God’s Word sits as first and final counselor, The Lord”. Yes, keeping God’s Word on the nightstand near your bed is good. Yes, keeping God’s Word on your mind is even better. However, “keeping God’s Word in the midst of your heart”` in obedience to do what God is saying is the ultimate place of holiness and happiness and hearing from God. Yes, we (ihlcc) encourage all believers, just as King Solomon encouraged all servants of God, to “keep God’s Word in all that you do”. You keep God’s Word by meditating on God’s Word in your heart and speaking God’s Word with your mouth because we do know out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Therefore, when you purpose to “keep God’s Word in the midst of your heart” you are transforming yourself into a radiant child of God who has a bright light just like Jesus! Thee Light of Jesus is the Light of World for all to see and walk in (obey)! “Keeping God’s Word in the midst of your heart” is keeping Jesus alive (active) in your heart and coming out of your mouth for all those around you to see the Love of God in action and understand the voice of God by your speech. Now, we (ihlcc) did not say everyone would receive it (God’s Word and/or God’s Love) but to those who are called, chosen and open they will see God and hear God unto obedience to help building the awesome Kingdom of God in Jesus Name. Amen!